
Karin Cather

By Karin Cather

Clarity and Pronouns: Let It Go

Clarity and Pronouns: Let It Go

The death of one animal went viral this summer. A lion was tortured to death and mutilated for fun by a dentist from Minnesota. But what does this have to do with language? With editing? Cultural Shifts Against the Maltreatment of Animals Cecil was not the only animal...

The Eyes Have It

The Eyes Have It

Sometimes a synonym isn’t good enough. It’s important to know that even very similar words and phrases can have difference connotations. The use of one or the other may change meanings in your work if you aren’t looking. To see what I mean by this, let’s look at three...

A Boy Has Never Wept

A Boy Has Never Wept

A boy has never wept … nor dashed a thousand kim.* Let's talk about powerhouse authors and their editors. Even if they published some of the greatest masterpieces of the twentieth century, these authors almost certainly hired editors. For example, consider E.L....

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