Plain Language

Karin Cather

By Karin Cather

Plain Language is Not For Dummies

Plain Language is Not For Dummies

What is plain language? It's what you use to communicate effectively when there is a high price for ambiguity. It's what you use when you have complicated information to convey to busy people who don't have the time for gibberish. It's language that is free of jargon...

Plain Language is Not For Dummies

Clarity and Pronouns: Let It Go

The death of one animal went viral this summer. A lion was tortured to death and mutilated for fun by a dentist from Minnesota. But what does this have to do with language? With editing? Cultural Shifts Against the Maltreatment of Animals Cecil was not the only animal...

Plain Language is Not For Dummies

Plain Language and Radioactive Language

Simple language creates trust, saves time, and prevents confusion. There’s a whole body of law devoted to the issue of ambiguity in contracts, and those contracts were drafted by lawyers. Nevertheless, some of them are so ambiguous that they give rise to expensive...

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