Disclaimer First of all, nothing I’m about to tell you is legal advice. You should always consult an attorney because rules vary by jurisdiction. I’m speaking here as an editor about my own practice and about the kinds of pitfalls that arise when there isn’t a service...
Client Relations
By Karin Cather
What Does This Mean? Inside the Editorial Mind
How many of you authors have already been edited? Were you surprised at how good your manuscript looked afterward? Does it remind you of what happens when you've finally unpacked after a move, and now the house is livable, sparkling, and the best that it can be? Did...
How Much?
Sometimes authors approach editors and ask how much it will cost to edit a manuscript sight unseen. Authors may even tell editors in the same query that they have a specific deadline in mind. Experienced editors are highly unlikely to agree to this. But why not? Don’t...
In Defense of Science in the Badlands
I am taking a risk by saying this: Science, medicine, and education are essential elements of a civilized society and the free exchange of ideas is an essential element of democracy. Trump is preventing government scientists from sharing information with the public....
A Proposal for the Uniform Certification of Copyeditors
We editors should consider a universal certification requirement. Specifically, editors should have to take and pass a certification test before we are allowed to call ourselves editors. This furthers the credibility of the profession and provides consumer protection for the client.
Stronger Language, Just and All
I spoke to a family member today who has a PhD in clinical psychology and decades of clinical experience. She was telling me about a course module she was writing for a publisher. The initial material she created for them was based on current research in the relevant...