
Karin Cather

By Karin Cather

Editors and Martians

Editors and Martians

“This just needs a light proofread.” “Can you look this over? I know it doesn’t need much.” Regardless of what kind of writing it is, you have probably been working on it even when you aren’t sitting at the computer with it. You’re imagining what to write next while...

That’s What George Knows

That’s What George Knows

Right now in my editing group, we are talking about an article that just came out called “8 Words to Seek and Destroy in Your Writing”. One of the words that the author wanted to destroy was the word that. Like many of my colleagues, my response to that article was...

They and the Headlines

Clarity and Pronouns: Let It Go

The death of one animal went viral this summer. A lion was tortured to death and mutilated for fun by a dentist from Minnesota. But what does this have to do with language? With editing? Cultural Shifts Against the Maltreatment of Animals Cecil was not the only animal...

A Boy Has Never Wept

A Boy Has Never Wept

A boy has never wept … nor dashed a thousand kim.* Let's talk about powerhouse authors and their editors. Even if they published some of the greatest masterpieces of the twentieth century, these authors almost certainly hired editors. For example, consider E.L....

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